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【About me】

Alfred Tse​


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【Academic Qualifications】

- Ph.D. in Education, Master of Art in Philosophy。


- Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, CUHK, ,teaching Chinese philosophy and Chinese culture。


- Adjunct Lecturer, HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education,teaching  "Certificate in Yi Jing Theory and Practice".

【Expertise & Experience】 

- Certificated Practitioner, American Philosophical Practitioners Association. (APPA)

- Certificated Practitioner, Hong Kong Philosophy Practitioner Association. (HKPPA)


-  Private equity and listed company philosophy and I Ching adviser.


-  Writer, columnist, educational scholar and radio guest host, senior chinese language and general education teacher.

【Social participation】

- Founder and Chairmen, Zhe Dao Education Foundation.

- Founding President, Hong Kong Philosophy Practitioner Association. (HKPPA)

- President and Founding Director and, Hong Kong Practical Philosophy Society (HKPPS)(Charitable Institutions) 

- Chairmen, Hong Kong Confucian Society (since 1909),(Charitable Institutions) 

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